Burgundy Mule



Cocktails :
4 cl Sab's Gin
10 cl Spicy Ginger Beer Hysope
4 cl Burgundy verjuice cordial

20 cl verjuice
140 g caster sugar
100 g blackcurrant berries




  1. Prepare your homemade verjuice cordial.
  2. Fill a Julep glass with ice cubes. Stir with a cocktail spoon to refresh the glass.
  3. Pour 4 cl of Sab's Gin directly into the glass, followed by 4 cl of verjuice cordial. Stir.
  4. Top with 10 cl of Spicy Ginger Beer Hysope.
  5. Garnish with a dome of crushed ice and a few grapes.
  6. Serve with the bottle of Spicy Ginger Beer Hysope.


Want to make your own Burgundy verjuice cordial?

You'll need: 20 cl verjuice, 140 g caster sugar, 100 g blackcurrants.

  1. In a saucepan, pour 20 cl verjuice, then 140 g caster sugar. Mix well.
  2. Heat over medium heat, then raise the temperature, stirring regularly.
  3. Let the mixture simmer for about 2 minutes. The sugar should be completely dissolved in the verjuice.
  4. Add the 100g blackcurrant berries, stirring well to incorporate.
  5. Reduce the heat and simmer for 8 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the mixture to cool.
  7. Once cooled, filter the liquid through a sieve. Pour the cordial into a glass bottle: it's ready to use!

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